The research explores the complex territory of taxing the digital economy, examining the challenges and opportunities arising from the application of novel tax measures and advanced tools to digitalise tax administration. In the wake of the evolving technology landscape, traditional tax frameworks face unprecedented challenges in collecting revenue from digital transactions, necessitating a reassessment of tax policy and administration methods. Key challenges include the elusive nature of digital transactions, the difficulty in establishing a fair and effective tax system, and the pervasive problem of tax evasion in the digital economy. To address these challenges, the study examines innovative tax measures and advanced tools aimed at modernising tax administration and promoting economic transparency. In the pursuit of a more transparent tax landscape, the research emphasises the use of these new taxes and tools to incentivise compliance, discourage evasion and promote economic formalisation. In addition, the study examines the OECD’s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) 2.0 project, which is playing a key role in shaping the international response to the tax challenges posed by the digital economy. The research assesses the implications, recommendations and potential contributions of the BEPS 2.0 project to a coordinated global approach to addressing the tax issues associated with the digitalisation of economic activity.
Keywords: digital economy, technology, taxation, tax evasion, BEPS 2.0.
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