Marijan Šakota

Before the Act on Amendments to the Land Registration Act entered into force, parties could submit proposal for entry of a registrable right to the land register court in several ways. The proposal for entry could be submitted electronically, either by email or the e-Citizens digital platform, by submitting it directly to the court registry or sending it by postal service. After the Act entered into force, such a proposal can be submitted only in electronic form through the information system, that is, through the Joint Information System of the Land Registry and Cadastre. In this case, the parties’ communication with the court is conditioned by the submission of a proposal for entry to a notary public or a lawyer, who are mandatory users of electronic communication with the court. Before the Act entered into force, the parties could directly submit a proposal for entry to the court and request the registration of their right, which was the most common way of the proposal submission. The proposal used to be submitted in writing and its content was not significantly limited.

Keywords: land registry, proposal for entry, information system, electronic communication.

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