Hektor Ruci
LLM, University of New York, Tirana, Albania

The aim of present article is to approach the relatively new field of lethal autonomous robots and weapon systems (LARs or LAWS) from the perspective of international law with a focus on human rights compliance. Initially, the topic became the subject of public awareness and discussions in 2009 and soon acquired both interest and criticism. The development of such weapon systems rises at the same time legal, moral, practical and ethical questions. In the absence of specific sui generis legal provisions regarding them, the article shall try to evaluate to what extent such concepts find legal and moral justification by the existing provisions of humanitarian law. In any case, as LAWS provide for important benefits, they should be considered under serious legal safeguard due to their impact on human rights, out-of-combat units and civilian population. All such benefits must be guided by ethical principles and legal provisions, either those already applied or new ones that would better fit this specific field.

Keywords: LAWS, UN, Geneva Convention, Humanitarian Law.


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