David Molnar
Faculty of Law, University of Pécs, Hungary

The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act represents a pioneering endeavour to align the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) with stringent ethical and safety norms, heralding a transformative phase for various professions. This paper delves into the Act’s deliberate attempt to strike a delicate equilibrium between encouraging technological innovation and imposing strict accountability measures, especially in contexts where AI is deemed high-risk. By analyzing the repercussions for critical sectors including healthcare, finance, and technology, we expose the paradoxical nature of compliance: it poses a formidable challenge necessitating comprehensive ethical guidelines, yet simultaneously acts as a stimulus for the development of groundbreaking ethical AI methodologies. Furthermore, we accentuate the worldwide influence of the EU’s regulatory framework, providing key strategic recommendations for adeptly manoeuvring through the dynamic AI regulatory environment. In essence, “AI Unleashed: Mastering the Maze of the EU AI Act” encapsulates the transformative potential of regulatory obstacles as avenues for fostering ethical innovation and propelling professional growth..

Keywords: artificial intelligence, EU AI Act, high risk AI, ethics, compliance.

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