Šime Jozipović, PhD
University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Croatia
Marin Keršić, PhD
University of Split, Faculty of Law, Croatia

Throughout history, legal theory has undergone continuous development. With the growing complexity of modern society, regulatory requirements have been increasing while contractual relationships have grown more sophisticated. Technological progress usually precedes regulation. This is only natural, as law serves to regulate the relationships between legal subjects concerning legal objects. However, this also means that regulation always lags one step behind innovation. Particularly in rapidly developing areas of technology, regulation can become complex, inconsistent and insufficiently balanced. The scholarly systematization of legal norms has become an important mechanism to mitigate such issues. Even more, scholarly systematization of legal norms in new technologies has sparked entire new areas of law. (At least) five reasons to approach legal norms regulating innovation from the perspective of the scholarly systematization of law are: first, the identification of valid legal norms is easier; second, it helps with legal interpretation, especially systematic interpretation; third, it serves to identify and resolve antinomies between norms; fourth, it is the basis for the formation of legal disciplines; and fifth, it impacts the jurisdictions of organs. The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact of the scholarly systematization of legal norms in the fin-tech space, based on recent key innovations including crypto-assets and central bank digital currencies.

Keywords: legal norms, systematization, digital payments, virtual assets.

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Articles, press releases and reports

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Legal sources and case law

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