The paper analyses some major questions of the protection of cultural heritage from a comparative law perspective, drawing parallels between the relevant Hungarian (Act LXIV of 2001 on the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Act CXXV of 2017 on Sanctions for Administrative Violations, and Government Decree No. 191/2001 (18. X) on Heritage Protection Penalties), Serbian (Act on Cultural Heritage of 2021, and Act on Cultural Assets) and Slovenian (Act on the Protection of Cultural Heritage of 2008) regulatory backgrounds. The main points of the analysis include, for example: basic terminology, key institutions in charge of tasks relating to the protection of cultural heritage, main responsibilities of ministers concerned in cultural heritage conservation, requirements relating to experts and the training of concerned parties, provisions on removing cultural assets to a foreign country, registers and sanctions (system of penalties). The paper aims to highlight the main similarities and differences between the Hungarian, Serbian and Slovenian regulatory backgrounds on cultural heritage.
Keywords: cultural heritage, legal regulation, Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia
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Scholarly Articles
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Online article without author
MNB devizaarfolyam (National Bank of Hungary Exchange Rates) 2023. Available at: (29. 5. 2023)
NBS devizaarfolyam (National Bank of Serbia Exchange Rates) 2023. Available at: (29. 5. 2023)
Vilagorokseg – UNESCO Magyar Nemzeti Bizottsag (World Heritage – Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO) 2018. Available at: (23.5.2023)
Legal sources
2017. evi CXXV. torveny a kozigazgatasi szabalyszegesek szankcioirol (Act CXXV of 2017 on Sanctions for Administrative Violations) Available at: (25. 5.2023).
2017. evi LXXVII. torveny a vilagOroksegrol (Act LXXVII of 2011 on World Heritage) Available at: (27. 5. 2023).
2017. evi LXIV. torveny a kulturalis orokseg vedelmerol (Act LXIV of 2001 on the Protection of Cultural Heritage) Available at: (21. 3. 2023).
191/2001. (X. 18.) Korm. rendelet az oroksegvedelmi birsagrol (Government Decree No. 191/2001 (18. X.) on Heritage Protection Penalties) Available at: (22. 5. 2023).
Zakon o kulturnom nasleđu (Act on Cultural Heritage of 2021) Available at: (30. 3. 2023).
Zakon o kulturnim dobrima (Act on Cultural Assets) Available at: (30. 3. 2023).
Zakon o varstvu kulturne dediščine (2008 Act on the Protection of Cultural Heritage). Available at: (21. 3. 2023).