The new Hungarian Civil Procedure Act entered into force on 1 January 2018 and, among other things, re-regulated the rules on the use of language in civil proceedings. In addition to the national law, EU and international law provisions apply to exercising the right to use language.
The study presents the rules of Hungarian civil procedural law concerning the use of language, i.e., the range of languages that can be used orally and in writing, and the rules on the bearing of costs related to the use of language. It details how these rules reflect Hungary’s international legal obligations under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. It also explains which language use provisions must be considered when applying EU law. The Regulation on the service of documents gives the addressee the right to refuse to accept the document. The study explains the content of this right of refusal and the translation obligation of the party requesting service.
Interpretation and translation are closely related to language use. Technological developments have led to the widespread availability of translation and interpreting software. This paper will show to what extent their use in civil proceedings is appropriate in light of the above provisions.
Keywords: use of language, civil procedure, service of documents in EU, EU law.
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